How to change Cloud Servers billing cycle?

1. Login to your Readyspace Customer Portal 

2. Click the Services drop down menu at the left bar of the screen

3. and select the appropriate service (Ex: Cloud Server SG, Cloud Server US, Cloud Server MY, Cloud Server HK )

4. Click on the Server that you want to change Billing Cycle  under Product/Services

5. click on the More button located at somewhere top right of the screen

6. Once you click it you will see a drop down list of options.

7. Select Change Billing Cycle

8. Select your prefered New Billing Cycle

9. Click on Change Billing Cycle button

* Please take note you will not be able to change billing cycle of the plan that currently have unpaid invoice.
   In the case where you have unpaid invoice but wish to change billing cycle please submit a ticket to our Customer Service.
   You can submit ticket to us in your Customer Portal 

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