Outlook SMTP authentication issue

SMTP authentication issue

You may encounter the IMAP error – 0x800CCC0E when your Outlook application is unable to authenticate the outgoing server (SMTP). Solution –Turn on SMTP authentication and check if the issue persists. 1.  Open Outlook. 2.  Click File > Account Settings > Account Settings. Account Info - Outlook3. In the Account Settings window on the E-mail tab, select an e-mail account and then hit the Change button. Account Setting4.  In the Add Account window that pops-up, click on the More Settings button. pop and imap account setting5.  In the Internet Email Settings window, click the Outgoing Server tab. 6. Ensure that the checkbox next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires the authentication is checked. Internet Email Setting7. Click OK and then restart Outlook to check if the issue still persists.

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