How to add a Plesk user with limited access

  1. Log in to the Plesk Control Panel for your domain.
  2. Click on the Tools & Settings tab. Then click on Additional Administrator Accounts.admin1.png
  3. Click on Add Administrator Account.admin2.png
  4. Fill in the requested information, then click OK at the bottom.admin3.png
    Fill in your Username, Password, Email, and Contact Name.


    • Username: This will be the username for logging into Plesk.
    • Password: Please choose a strong password.
    • Email address: An email address associated to the Username.
    • Contact name: This is for your personal records and can be of your choosing.


    You can modify the access for these roles or create new roles from the main Users page, under the User Roles tab.

  5. That’s it! This user can now access the Control Panel directly from the browser. The URL is or, using your own IP address or domain. To modify the details of this user at a later point, repeat steps 1 and 2 above, then click directly on the user to modify it.


This will provide limited access to only select Subscriptions/Domains in Plesk.

1. Log in to the Plesk Control Panel for your domain.
2. Click on the Subscriptions Tab on the left side. Then click on the desired Subscription/Domain.


3. Once in your subscription, click on the Users tab.


4. Click on Create User Account.


5. Fill in the requested information, then click OK at the bottom.


  • Contact name: This is for your personal records and can be of your choosing.
  • Email address: An email address associated to the Username.
  • User role: Administrator can access everything and add other users. The WebMaster can access everything but can’t create users. Application User and Accountant have very limited access.
  • Access to subscriptions: Use this to limit access to a specific Subscription/Domain, or select All to give access to all the Subscriptions/Domains.
  • Username: This will be the username for logging in to Plesk.
  • Password: Please choose a strong password.
  • User is active: Leave checked to grant this user access to the Control Panel.

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