Configure Zimbra Firewall using UFW

1: For ufw, we’re going to create an application profile for UFW called Zimbra. So, let’s create this profile as below.


sudo vim /etc/ufw/applications.d/zimbra


2: Add the following content:


[Zimbra] title=Zimbra Collaboration Server description=Open source server for email, contacts, calendar, and more. ports=22,25,80,110,143,161,389,443,465,514,587,993,995,7071,8443,11211/tcp


3: Enable app profile on ufw


sudo ufw allow Zimbra
sudo ufw enable


4: Add ssh port as well.


sudo ufw allow ssh


5: If you make any changes to the Zimbra profile, update it using:


$ sudo ufw app update Zimbra
Rules updated for profile 'Zimbra'
Skipped reloading firewall


6:For a single server installation, Memcache is not used outside the local server. Consider binding it to the loopback ip address. Use the commands:


sudo su - zimbra
zmprov ms zmhostname zimbraMemcachedBindAddress
zmprov ms zmhostname zimbraMemcachedClientServerList


7: Then restart Memcached service.


 sudo su - zimbra -c "zmmemcachedctl restart"



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